Tuesday, 17 July 2018

The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others. #thankyou #eclaritysg

Monday, 2 July 2018

My life in Entrepreneur Organisation - EO

2.5 years ago, at the peak of my entrepreneurial boredom, and on the verge of resigning to my own fate of scalability limitation, I joined EO (Entreprenuer Organisation).

2.5 years later, to my own amazement, I am serving the board for the third term, appointed as the Global Membership Expert, and blessedly awarded the Member of the year. #soglamright

What did EO do to me?

Pre-EO, I thought I was the greatest businesswoman who took pride that I was hands on serving customers at #eClarity, on hindsight I was just an #energizerbunny who could talk about diamonds all day and was polite to people around me. #youngentreprenueraward2013ok

Post-EO, I empower my team and I empower love. Giving diamond talks in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia, I truly want to bring happiness to the world. I live a life again! I also know now that I am far from being the best. The best is always yet to be, but I am taking one step at a time, with a group of awesome entrepreneurs. #evenmoreglam

Thank you Patrick, for including me in your board as the Membership Chair (after Finance Chair). I enjoyed so much having the freedom to setting systems and raising standards to the recruitment exercises, aligning values of our fellow entrepreneurs of Singapore, and listening to compelling stories that they share, sometimes in tears, sometimes in fear.

No, I don’t get commission nor rebate, the most popular question I received next is “then why you so on?” Because, what I get, is way more than what you could ever imagine. #friendship #ideology#everyentrepreneurialjourneyisintriguingandhumbling

Also, thank you Brother Danial, Boon, Adrian, Linda, Ivan, Ken, Ansgar, Ian, Ee Ching, Daniel, Suraj, Yuit, Annie, Jill, Hong Ting, Don, Yangjun, Marc, Willie for supporting membership dialogues, giving feedbacks, helping to assess and integrate. #theyaretherealdiamonds #hardestsubstanceonearth

Therefore, believe it or not, I am in for the next term!

Friday, 2 March 2018

Life is like a dance

Dancing is my hidden happiness superpower. 
Life is like a dance, sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow. A good partner makes you feel you are the best dancer, beautifies new moves with you, and picks you up when you fall.
Dance before music is over, live before life is over. #bachata #happiness#danceunderthechandelier

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Wishing everyone a sparkly CNY!




With my heart pounding fast almost skipping a beat or two, singing and laughing and swaying and tearing up a little bit with a group of “pre-young” audience, my hot date mumbles, “If only it was Ed Sheeren...” 

来听现场这么催泪。想起小时候在外婆家过年,想起跟爸爸妈妈一起唱歌,想起小学中学长大听歌,现在才明白为什么人家会在演唱会擦泪。张学友56岁了,这是他第140场演唱会,还生病了,他说:“我不能保证每次的演唱会我都有一百分的状态,但我保证,我一定尽一百二十分的能力。” #成功一定有原因

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!

Received this at my doorstep, I don’t know who you are, but you’ve added so much warmth and sweetness to my v-day, thank you 🌹#santavisited

Friday, 22 September 2017

My favourite TedTalk speaker, Caroline Myss

I really like to share about her, my favourite TedTalk speaker

I enjoy so much listening to her presentations and interpretations of counselling knowledge I studied but with so much wisdom, sarcasm and relation, that as I laugh hard, I think hard. 

Listening to her comforts my craving for motherly and grandmotherly advice, and am inspired to pass on wisdom like her one day. 

I hope you enjoy listening to her too! 
